How Safe is Safe?

Well, in our case the answer is very safe indeed. We’ve just completed our annual HSE audit, carried out by an independent auditor on our clients’ behalf, and scored a record 93%.

The auditors praised PrismERP, the IT system we have developed over the last decade for both managing HSE and integrating it into every aspect of our operations. With further upgrades to PrismERP planned for the coming year, we are determined to get an even higher score next time round.

PrismERP is commercially available. If you’d like to know more about how it might help your organisation please contact Duncan Eastland.

Subadra Score 96% in HSE Audit

We’re pleased to be able to report that we have recently scored 96% in a Health and Safety Audit conducted by one of our clients, a major oil company. The score recognises the significant investment – of both time and money – we have made to ensure that we aren’t just ‘good enough’ when it comes to the management of health and safety, but that we are the ‘best of the best’.

If you’d like to know more about how we manage health and safety, including our bespoke Prism.NET software solution, then please contact Duncan Eastland – Tel: 01296 739431

Subadra top HSE Audit

Earlier this week our Health and Safety systems were audited by a major oil company. We scored 88%, one of the highest score the auditors have ever recorded and a 4% improvement from the last time we were audited.