Passivhaus Premium Project Gains Certification

The Sheds took a step closer to becoming the UK’s first residential Passivhaus Premium when the solar panels on its roof were certified by Flexi-Orb earlier this week.

The solar panels, which cover almost the entire roof and are virtually invisible, have generated a stunning 10MWh of electricity in their first three months of operation.

Ofgem estimate that a typical four bedroom house uses 4.3MWh per year so The Sheds is certainly on track to exceed the Passivhaus Premium requirement to generate four times its primary energy useage. The Flexi-Orb certification clears the way for the excess energy the house generates to be exported to the National Grid and start contributing to a carbon-free future.

Subadra are both Project Manager and Certified Passivhaus Designers for The Sheds. If you’d like to discuss your green energy requirements or Passivhaus project with us then please contact Duncan Eastland. The Sheds will also be featured on Channel Four later this year.

Stacking the Deck

Construction of ‘The Sheds’, the UK’s first residential Passivhaus Premium now has less than a year to run and focus has turned to the internal fit out. In keeping with the project’s eco credentials, the majority of the built-in furniture is being constructed using Richlite, a recycled paper product. This incredibly versatile material is made from 100% recycled products using WE Technology, a waste to energy process. Some day all furniture will be made like this.

Subadra are Project Manager, Principal Contractor, Certified Passivhaus Designer and Energy Consultants for the project. If you’d like to know more about Passivhaus and our green energy consultancy services, please contact Duncan Eastland.

‘The Sheds’ Passes Airtightness Test

Airtightness Testing being Filmed by Grand Designs

The Sheds‘, a Passivhaus residential project in the Cotswolds, took another important step forward recently when it passed its airtightness test, achieving 0.37 air exchanges per hour. This easily satisfies the Passivhaus requirement of 0.6 air exchanges per hour or lower. The Sheds, for which Subadra are both Project Manager and Passivhaus Designer remains on track to be the UK’s first residential Passivhaus Premium building.

The test was carried out by As Built Testing, and was filmed (as is the whole build) by Channel Four for their Grand Designs series. Keep your eyes open for it appearing on your TV screens later this year.

When Being Passive Just Isn’t Enough

The last decade has seen the Passivhaus standard become established as the gold standard for ‘eco’ housing in the UK. The original Passivhaus standard has recently been upgraded, with two new, more demanding levels added. The most stringent of these – Passivhaus Premium – has yet to be achieved in the UK.

So we are particularly excited to have been appointed as Project Manager, overseeing the design and construction of The Sheds which aims to be the UK’s first Passivhaus Premium house. Our in-house Certified Passivhaus Designer is currently leading the design effort, including PHPP midelling, and will then be overseeing the construction on site, ensuring that the rigorous building standards are met. We’ll be posting regular updates here as the project progresses.