Environment Agency RTM

Every environmental consultant involved in assessing the risk to controlled waters will be familiar with the Environment Agency’s preferred assessment tool, Remedial Targets Methodology Worksheet or RTM for short.

It’s always been our opinion that you would have to try hard to design a less user-friendly piece of software. It is, frankly, a stinker. You might say that we shouldn’t complain since it is provided by the Environment Agency free of charge. But we believe that we can, and should, do better. So we have taken the methodology/models used in RTM and we have built them into a modern, user-friendly application. Key improvements include

– Input parameters read/calculated directly from the project database;

– Runs parametric/sensitivity studies for each model;

– Assesses variation in receptor concentration v time for each model for multiple contaminants;

– Assesses variation in receptor concentration v distance from site for steady state conditions for multiple contaminants;

– Automatically exports results to individual spreadsheets for each contaminant and each set of parameters;

– Automatically creates a detailed pdf report for each model.

If you’d like a copy of our Remedial Targets Methodology software then contact Duncan Eastland.

Could Death be Fatal?

We are used to dealing with potential contaminants from a wide range of industrial sources. Our specialist risk assessment department employs a number of modelling techniques to determine what potential long-term risks could be posed to human health or environmental receptors. But in a slight change to the norm, we’ve recently completed a risk assessment to determine the potential risks posed by a lack of human health!

We were commissioned to assess the suitability of a plot of land for a potential future cemetery. A combination of desk-based research, borehole investigations using our Terrier drill rig and fascinating (!) mass flux/fate transport calculations were used to complete the assessment following Environment Agency guidance.

If you’d like to commission a quantitative risk assessment – either for the living or the dead – then we’d be delighted to assist you. Please contact our risk assessment team for more information.