A Draining Holiday?

It’s the holiday season and, if you’re about to head off for a week or two of bliss in the sunshine with the family, spare a thought for our field services teams. When we asked them if they fancied a midweek stay in a caravan park, they jumped at the chance. We might have omitted to tell them that they’d be busy all day completing soakaway testing for an extension to the caravan park.

Being the good sports that they are they completed four tests, all in accordance with BRE365, and our detailed report was issued to the client the following day.

SUDS (but no soap opera)

The sewage system in the UK is under increasing demands from the increase in rainfall volume and intensity associated with global warming and from the demand of new housing developments.
These pressures required a change in policy approach to a more sustainable system. On 6th April 2015 the government introduced a new planning policy  aiming to lessen the likelihood and impact of surface water flooding from new developments of 10 dwellings or more; or equivalent non-residential or mixed development, by encouraging the use of sustainable drainage systems (SUDS).
Soakaways and permeable paving are two types of SUDS which are used to limit the impact of surface water discharge from new building developments. Designing these systems requires careful measurement of soil permeability. We offer a comprehensive range of testing methods compliant with NHBC (Chapter 5.3) and BRE (Document 365) guidance.

For further information please contact Steve Partridge – 01296 739413