Subadra Celebrates 20th Anniversary

It seems a long time ago that I filled in some forms and posted them off to Companies House to register Subadra. Since then we’ve come a long way: we bought our current offices 12 years ago; were accredited by UKAS 7 years ago; and have worked on projects as far away as Siberia, as remote as St Helena Island and as high profile as Terminal 5 Heathrow.

I am proud of our record of innovation: the first consultancy to use quantitative risk assessment, the first to design and build modular soil/groundwater treatment equipment, the first to use hydrofracturing as a remediation technique, still the only consultancy able to offer a fully integrated service – from initial investigation, through laboratory testing and computer modelling to final remediation – using only our own resources. But much more than that I am proudĀ  that clients we worked with 20 years ago are still our clients today.

So on our 20th anniversary I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has worked with us over the years, whether as client, supplier or as a colleague. To quote Vinni Jones: “It’s been emotional”.

Duncan Eastland